Friday, 20 February 2015

My list of 25

I'm trawling saved drafts of blogs I wrote but didn't publish. I find this list as relevant now as I probably did writing it. Learnings to take to the grave only maybe?
Here are the lessons I have learnt from my quarter life crisis, ones that I hope, in an alternate universe I am wise enough to learn earlier. So dear 25 years of my life, here is what you have taught me

  1. It only gets as bad as I let it
  2. My family might drive me to a point where I want to stab every vital organ out with a fork, but they're there. Always. Especially when I least deserve it
  3. Sometimes, a fresh start with new people is all I need
  4. Everytime, some indulgent self-loathing, self sympathy is all I need- I can be my best friend
  5. Promises change just as priorities do. It is the principles that matter
  6. It's ok to shop
  7. It's ok to be broke
  8. It's ok to love somebody or something- even a job that doesn't love you back.
    The magic is not in waiting, the magic (and might I add, satisfaction) is in knowing you gave it all you had and did not take no until you achieved what you set out to- surprise yourself
  9. It's ok to call in sick when you feel like the world has folded on itself. Take the day, find yourself and go back and show ém why you matter while the sick day doesn't
  10. Sometimes, just let it play out. Some battles you win from walking away
  11. Let other people stand up for you. It doesn't make you weak, and it is ok to be taken care of
  12. A hang over is not good, lime juice on the other most certainly is. And watermelon juice. And raw mango juice. And sweet lime juice. And orange juice (you get the picture)
  13. People change, that's life. Today you matter to somebody tomorrow you don't. It's ok, you are still worthy of being the best damn person you know to be without needing somebody's validation of it
  14. Trust your gut. You do not need permission to set things right
  15.  Trust your gut. Some people are not worth it, some things are not.
    Trust your gut and do not be persuaded by guilt
  16. Learn to speak many languages, especially your own tongue
  17. Collaboration is a high like no other- listen to ideas, evaluate them, then put your spin on it, then let the other people put their spin on it, work at the collaborative idea until it's better than anything your mind came up with alone and revel in the brilliance of it
  18. Do not let the good times go- celebrate them
  19. Dirty laundry smells great after a good wash
  20. Do not give up because somebody tells you to
  21. A clean conscience is worth so much more than a stamp of approval
  22. When you're telling a person to go to hell, if you say it right they will enjoy the ride and love you for it
  23. You can't help the spite. Let. It. Go.
  24. All it takes is an easily repeated signature. Do not get smart with banks or immigration officers- a signature is not a piece of art!
  25. A handwritten note is magic.


So, what do you think?